(Redmond, WA – May 25, 2022) On the main stage at the Microsoft Build conference, LawToolBox COO Carol-Lynn Grow was interviewed by Microsoft Teams CVP Bhrighu Sareen. Over 50,000 attendees got a glimpse of the new LawToolBox feature that templatizes Microsoft Teams. With one-click, LawToolBox turns Microsoft Teams into an umbrella platform pre-configured with all the Microsoft and third-party apps you use to manage your legal matters!  It is a game changer. Read the full press release here.
First, your law firm administrator sets up preferences for your organization and preconfigures the channels that will get auto provisioned for each practice area.Â
Then, when someone in your firm sets up a matter and selects one of the practice areas you have defined, each channel will be automatically provisioned with any Microsoft or 3d party app you want as tabs.Â